7 Tips for Sitting Postures in a Gaming Chair

In all cases, healthy use of a gaming chair involves sitting in fluid, neutral postures. Neutral posture means feet flat on the floor; lumbar support pressed into the lower back; straight spine. Fluidity involves slight position changes using the chair’s backrest or seat tilt. To help people ease their back pains from playing games as well as help them improve their postures and today i'm doing seven tips on a sitting posture in a gaming chair.

#1 Tip: Vary Your Posture

The first tip that i want to talk about with posture is that you need to vary your posture throughout your day. The very practical tips of what you can do, and research has shown this as well, is that you need to vary your posture throughout the day. You cannot sit in a gaming chair like a robot in one position for the entire time, even in a perfect posture. You want to vary your posture. Do the cat and cow, stretch out your arms or lean to one side, lean forward for a moment. 

Most people suffer from just getting one position of drooping position. If you stay sitting in the gaming chair in a bent posture forever, that's terrible for you, but if you're in a pretty good position and then you vary it up. As long as you don't stay in any one position for too long it will be fine. It'll actually be good for your body and for your muscle tissues.


#2 Tip: Find a Good Neutral Pelvic Position

So now we're still going to be talking mostly about the normal sitting position in a gaming chair. Most of you are going to be at an office space or even at home and you're still going to spend most of your time in a normal position, not in a varied position. So the first thing is to find a good neutral pelvic position so you don't want to overly arch your low back. Some people sit in an anterior pelvic tilt and they think this is good posture. Nothing could be further from the truth. You’ll find their back is arched quite a lot at the lower part.

Actually we should relax the lumbar vertebra and tuck your belly button in a little bit. Play around with your pelvic area to find a neutral spinal position. And it's good for you to do a little cat-cow pose to find a kind of middle ground for your specific back. Some people may have a very large arch in their low back, other people are more posterior. So you want to find something in the middle preferably.

#3 Tip: Tucking Your Chin a Little Bit

One of the biggest problems with people sitting in front of the computers, playing gamings or do paperwork,  is that their neck juts out forward gradually. It happens almost automatically and this puts an enormous stress on your neck and upper back area as well as the low back. So you want to tuck in your chin a lit of bit throughout the day. You don't have to be super crazy with it when you're sitting. Just be natural but if you notice whenever your neck starts to go a little too much forward, bring it back and tuck in your chin a little bit.

#4 Tip: Use a Lumbar Cushion Support

This helps to keep your pelvis in a better position so it supports your low back. Put the cushion slightly above the low back and keep your body in a good position for the most part. That helps because a lot of times when people don't have the cushion they’ll sit in their gaming chairs cave in their back bones. It is also something kind of poking you a little bit to remind you to sit up straight. 

#5 Tip: Elevate Your Laptop to Eye Level. 

Most people have their laptops even without raising it upon an elevation. The problem is you have to lean forwards or look down on your laptop, which is not good for you and training your neck getting into a bad position. You can use a stand or books to make the top third of the monitor to be aligned with your eye level. That’s a much better position overall with the laptop elevated.

 #6 Tip: Feel Like Being Pulled up but Breathe Naturally

Sixth tip is that you want to feel like somebody’s pulling you up through the back of your head, not just slouching all day. You still want to breathe even if you feel like you're stretching up a little bit, so don't constrict your breathing. Make sure you’re breathing and you can also feel like there’s a little bit of a string pulling you up and don't do anything too unnatural.

 #7 Tip: Move Around Every 30 to 40 Minutes

The last posture tip for sitting at a desk is you want to move around every 30 to 40 minutes, or so you want to get up move around stretch out etc. you don't want to be stuck sitting for longer than that. It's very important to move your joints, move your muscles, get the blood flowing. No matter how good your posture is, you need to move around, take breaks etc.

If you have a sit-stand desk, it's also a good idea to alternate between sitting and standing through out the day. After sitting in the chair working for a quite long time and you may start to get some pains and aches in your lower back and legs. So just switching from a sit to a stand position really alleviates that almost immediately. Switching from a sit to stand and vice versa allows yous to vary your posture without losing focus on my work

Hopefully you enjoyed these tips!

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